Pictures from our booth at PrideFest and our marching group in the parade!
Aromantics and Asexuals of the Emerald City
Pictures from our booth at PrideFest and our marching group in the parade!
We’re participating in two events this year!
On June 24th, we will have a booth at PrideFest on Capitol Hill. We’ll be booth O-29, on the east side of the street between Thomas and John, in front of 8 To 8 Dental. It’s about a block from the Capitol Hill Light Rail station and about two blocks from Cal Anderson Park or the end of the Streetcar line. We’ll be the booth with the purple top and ginormous aro and ace flags. Drop by for some swag or to say hi!
Then on the 25th, we’re marching in the Seattle Pride Parade for the fourth time! Bring your signs, flags, and other Aro and Ace Pride gear and come join us!
It’s free and doesn’t require any commitment other than time.
The parade is on Sunday, June 25th, starting around 11 AM. The Parade runs through downtown Seattle on the mostly flat 4th Ave, from around Westlake Center to Seattle Center. Distance is about a mile.
We are Contingent #11 on Block 2, between Union and University. This is several blocks south of Westlake Center, and only about a block away from the University St. Light Rail station. Our staging time is 10:30 to 11 AM. We are very early in the parade, so we will have to be ready to move shortly after the start of the parade at 11.
We will be staged between Gay City and the Space Needle, and alongside Pokemon. Look for the ace and aro flags and the sea of green and purple somewhere on the west side of the street.
You are more than welcome to make signs or wear aro and ace themed costumes. We’ll have flags for people to wave.
Check out the Facebook and Meetup Events for more details:
Meetup Event: https://www.meetup.com/seattle-and-surrounding-area-asexuals-seattle-aces/events/293070142/
Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/6q24TEzbb
(RSVPing is encouraged, but not required. You can just show up on the day of the event and we’d love to have you!)